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Public Speaking is speaking in front of a group of people in a structured manner, it can be talking in front of strangers or talking in front of people you know (friends/ family). And not necessarily always on the stage. For example, giving a speech in front of class/ at family celebrations/ in an auditorium […]
Emotional intelligence. Does this phrase sound a bit difficult to read / pronounce / understand? Let’s make it simple and fun, so within minutes you will become smarter and know why this is important for all of us! Emotional Intelligence is understanding that emotions influence our behaviours and impact how we think or react positively […]
Do you think you know what your thoughts and feelings are? Self-awareness is being aware of what you think and feel and where your thoughts and feelings are coming from. How can you be self aware? You can identify different emotions that you might be feeling by paying attention to your body and your thoughts. […]
Do you think you have experienced stress in these uncertain times during covid and continuous lockdowns? Stress is something that all of us feel. When you feel worried or uncomfortable about something, that’s stress. You might feel sad, anxious, angry or frustrated when you are stressed. Stress also affects your body in the form of […]
Have you heard the term Debates? If your school is organising competitions from time to time, I am sure you would have come across this format of competition atleast once! Debates are arguments about different topics that are done in a formal manner. Debates help us think about different topics more clearly. Different debate formats […]
Culture includes different things or objects, art, beliefs and values of a particular region or country. Culture of a country can influence people’s choices and their lifestyle. It also includes ways of greeting, interacting and behaving. Sometimes, some religions also shape the cultures of a country. Here are some examples of cultural elements. A famous […]
There are many definitions of intelligence given by different psychologists. Intelligence is not only related to your school performance. Intelligence is a broad concept that includes creativity, problem solving, retention and application of knowledge that you have learned. Intelligence is also about understanding something, making sense of things and understanding complex things. Here are some […]
Assertiveness- saying no. It is always good and fulfilling to help someone and saying yes to people that makes them happy and also helps us build social relations and friendships but is it always good to say yes? Let us look at these two situations before answering this question. SITUATION 1 Romila was stressed as […]
Motivation is a feeling or a driving force that keeps you going even when you face a difficult task and encourages you to complete that task. For example Rohan skipped his playtime with his friends and completed the homework instead. Paul worked hard on weekend to cover up for his studies as he was busy […]