I cannot wait for it! This was the mindset that Komal had. She was a child who was very impatient and could never control herself to wait for her turn. She wanted to do everything that she found interesting before anyone else and got very frustrated when she had to wait for something.
Being impatient and not having control is a very bad habit to have, and Komal soon realized this when she went for her swimming training. Komal along with her friends had joined a swimming class, and they had their first training session on the coming Sunday. As always, Komal was getting very impatient, this time to get into the swimming pool and swim. The Sunday came, and Komal with her friends went for the training. All the people who came for the training were divided into two batches.
All of Komal’s friends were put in batch one, whereas Komal was put in batch two with other kids. Batch one was called for the training first and batch two had to wait. Komal was completely frustrated seeing her friends in the pool while she was sitting and waiting outside. Her already low patience level was going down even further. She saw that there was another pool where there was no one. She thought that by the time their turn came, she could go and swim in that one. And when her patience completely gave up, she jumped into the other pool, not realizing that it was an adult pool.

She did not see the warning board that said, “6 foot deep, not for children” Komal started drowning as she did not know how to swim. Listening to her shouts people gathered around her, as soon as the trainer saw this he got there, jumped into the pool, and helped Komal to get out. Once out of the pool, Komal started crying, thinking about what just happened and her body started shivering. The trainer called her parents, informed them about the situation and asked them to come. Her mom came and got very concerned about her daughter. After some time when Komal got normal, her mom asked her why she had jumped into the adult pool. Initially, Komal hesitated to answer but after repeated questioning, she finally told the truth. She said, “Seeing my friends swim I got very impatient, I thought till the time my turn comes I can swim in the other pool. I didn’t realize that it was an adult’s pool.” She apologized to her mother and the trainer for creating such chaos.
It was after this incident, that Komal realized how serious of an issue being impatient was. She thought that if she had little patience and waited for her turn to swim, such a situation would have never occurred. Komal finally learned to be more patient, though through a hard way. But this new change helped her to realize the importance of waiting for her turn so that incidents like this would not occur again in the future.
What we learned
Being patient is very important for us. Impatience and lack of self-control can lead us to harmful consequences. An impatient individual is also very disturbing to the people around them.
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