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Fun Corner


Mindset Challenge

time left: : : Mindset Challenge Submit quiz Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers. Are you sure you want to submit the quiz? Cancel Submit Take a minute and think when you were given a tough math problem what did you say to yourself? Was it positive or [...]

Foodie Quiz

Foodie Quiz Submit quiz Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers. Are you sure you want to submit the quiz? Cancel Submit Are you a foodie? Do you like to try different cuisines? Let’s see how well do you know different foods and their origin regions! Select the correct [...]

Emotions Match

Did You Know

Martin Luther King Jr. A Great Supporter of Justice

Martin Luther King Jr., also known as MLK, was an American minister and activist who helped in the civil rights movement in the 1950s. He wanted equality amongst people no matter which background they came from.  Did you know that MLK was a huge believer in peaceful protests and civil disobedience, which is when you […]

Rooting to our Cultures with Dora

We all know about Dora the Explorer! You may also have learned Spanish from this young girl while watching all her adventures. Here are some fun facts about this little explorer:  Did you know that Dora’s name comes from the feminine spanish word for explorer, which is “exploradora”. Nickelodeon purposely made Dora a mysterious character […]

Michelle Obama: a Voice of Change and Hope

We all know about Michelle Obama, wife of the 44th president of the United States -Barack Obama. She was the first African-American woman to serve as the first lady. Here are some fun facts you should know about her:  After becoming the first lady, she showed lots of support towards societal physical-well being and having […]


Paper Chain

Paper Chain

Would you like to do some craft today? In this activity we will learn how to receive constructive feedback from others.                                                                      […]

Learn A Concept

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Public Speaking is speaking in front of a group of people in a structured manner, it can be talking in front of strangers or talking in front of people you know (friends/ family). And not necessarily always on the stage. For example, giving a speech in front of class/ at family celebrations/ in an auditorium […]


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence. Does this phrase sound a bit difficult to read / pronounce / understand? Let’s make it simple and fun, so within minutes you will become smarter and know why this is important for all of us! Emotional Intelligence is understanding that emotions influence our behaviours and impact how we think or react positively […]



Do you think you know what your thoughts and feelings are? Self-awareness is being aware of what you think and feel and where your thoughts and feelings are coming from.  How can you be self aware?  You can identify different emotions that you might be feeling by paying attention to your body and your thoughts. […]


Travel with the Cultureman

Divesh and Divya were watching their favorite superhero show on television. They enjoyed watching the show and liked the superhero who was called “Cultureman”. He was a character who introduced kids watching the show to different cultures. Both Divya and Divesh enjoyed watching him and had imagined going on a cultural ride with the Cultureman. […]

Humans make mistakes

Ever since Apoorv got the superpower to never make mistakes, he had become a legitimate superhero in the city. People were gathering around his house in large numbers just to see him and appreciate his perfection. He was getting calls and appointments from various news channels, guest shows, and various other popular networks. Just within […]

Wait for your turn!

I cannot wait for it! This was the mindset that Komal had. She was a child who was very impatient and could never control herself to wait for her turn. She wanted to do everything that she found interesting before anyone else and got very frustrated when she had to wait for something. Being impatient […]

I am “sorry”

While playing with her little brother, Alvin accidentally threw the ball on the wall clock which then broke and fell. Listening to the noise of the crash, his mother came and asked what happened. Alvin’s little brother told, “Alvin threw the ball on the clock and it fell.” As mom started shouting at Alvin, he […]

I do not agree!

Arya and Allen were both very argumentative people, they liked to question everything that they heard or saw before truly believing in it. It is a very good skill to have, as with this skill we can try to identify wrong information and know whether people are deceiving us.  Aarya was different from Allen in […]

I am the best!

Harsh is the best in everything that can be done. Put anything in front of him and he can do it very easily. Sports, studies, or anything it may be, he is the best in all of them. The problem is, that Harsh is so good that people around feel jealous of him and cheat […]

Grandma’s advice

Unnati was the nervous type, she used to get scared and self-conscious very easily. She was very introverted and never really tried to talk with others and make friends. She even used to get nervous when talking to other people, and even the thought of having the spotlight on her was panic-evoking. As a result […]

Nina’s self doubt

It was the night before the day when Nina had to present the speech that she had prepared for the occasion of Children’s Day. Nina was selected for the speech as she had written a very beautiful speech for the occasion. She was asked to narrate the speech in front of a large audience that […]

Why’s the baby crying?

It was a Sunday and Melissa was at home. She and her family had recently welcomed a new baby boy into their house. Melissa had no school that day and she was excited to play with her new sibling. She went to her mom and said, “Mumma, since today I am at home, I will […]

Peter’s new motivation

The time had come and the stage was set. Peter had to now demonstrate his skills with the flute that he had been practicing for more than three years. As the lights focused on him, Peter took a deep breath and started performing.  He played a very melodious tune and got a lot of appreciation […]